
The future of TypeScript

The TypeScript ecosystem has seen a ton of development and tooling in the past couple of years. The JavaScript ecosystem has a reputation of having a lot of mediocre projects that regularly churn, and I think this is a fair criticism. However, the best of the best in the JS ecosystem allow for building apps in production that really do work, and work well.

While Node.js has given TS/JS a backend story for many years, it hasn’t been the greatest one. A lot of the tools available do not scale as well as libraries and tools in other ecosystems, and TypeScript itself is a fairly simple language, requiring a lot of libraries to write safe and high-quality code.

Enter Effect, a revolutionary approach to writing TypeScript. Effect is the result of years of development, and recently, fp-ts, another well-known project in the TypeScript ecosystem for functional programming enthusiasts, decided to join forces with Effect. Effect today reminds me of React in the early days - a small group of extremely excited enthusiasts, and a world full of people that didn’t know what it was or didn’t fully absorb its greatness.

Ani Ravi