The type of a Typefusion script export (TypefusionScriptExport) when the result of the runEffect function contains both the 'schema' and return data
you want to use your existing PgType or MySqlType or ClickhouseType schema.
interface TypefusionDbScriptEffect<T>{ name: string; resultDatabase: TypefusionSupportedDatabases; run?: (() => PromiseLike<TypefusionScriptResult<unknown>>); runEffect: (<R>() => Effect<TypefusionScriptResult<{ [key in string | number | symbol]: T[key] extends DbType<U> ? U : never }>, any, R>); schema: T; }
The type of a Typefusion script export (TypefusionScriptExport) when the result of the
function contains both the 'schema' and return data you want to use your existing PgType or MySqlType or ClickhouseType schema.